Transforming Questions Discussion Group – beginning January 21st, 6pm
Transforming Questions is a 10-week series offered on Tuesday evenings this winter. Each week we will gather for a meal, hear a talk on one of the central questions of the Christian faith, and then join in discussion. It is designed for those new to the faith and for those who are veteran Christians who still have questions or new concerns, or who just like to ponder the mysteries of Christian live. The series is open to all people; parishioners, neighbours, newcomers, and friends.
If you can’t make all ten nights, that’s okay. But Transforming Questions is not designed as a drop-in course. The sessions are related to and build upon one another, and the discussion is best with a sustained community. Ideally, we will travel together for ten weeks, sharing a meal and asking questions of ourselves and of God. As we do so, we will learn more about ourselves, one another, and the Jesus we seek to know.
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Here are a few of the questions, we’ll be considering:
Can we question our faith?
Why did Jesus have to die?
How should we read the Bible?
Does God answer prayer?
Why is there suffering?
What happens after death?
What is the church for?