Making a Difference Together in Faithfulness “Ministry Moments” As part of our annual stewardship program, we continue an intentional journey of giving thanks for the ministries in our community.
May 26: we give thanks for our “Synod Lay Delegates”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing for: (Tim Ralph, Marilyn Csihas, Jeff Schraeder – alternate).
A Synod is a gathering of lay and clerical members who constitute the governing body of the Church. The Diocese of Toronto Synod is made up of all the licensed clergy in the Diocese and lay members (non-clergy) elected by their parishes. At its annual vestry meeting, lay members are elected to attend the Diocesan Synod, which usually meets every other year. Synod members determine, at a high level, the priorities for Synod Council and its committees and refocus the mission of the Church throughout the Diocese.
May 19: we give thanks for our “Bible Study Group”, for her faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing for: (Deacon Joanne, Linda Town, Susan Bond, June Barlow, John & Isabelle Beaudet, Bob & Gwen Valliere, Maurice & Joan Fraser, Jamie & Christine Carr, Amanda Carr, Waneta Dennis, Brenda Dionne, Kathleen Perkin).
Before COVID the Thursday Bible Study was held from 11-12. When we were allowed back into the building, the group had a choice of 11-12 or 1-2 to allow for better spacing. Each group has continued on. We have studied different books in the bible and currently we are looking at the gospel for the coming Sunday. New members and new ideas are always welcome. In addition to our study, the morning group folds the bulletins for our Sunday services.
May 12: we give thanks for the faithfulness and commitment of our “Young Adult Group” ministry leader. We ask God’s continued blessing for: (Mother Jennifer).
One of the best parts of being part of a parish is the opportunity to experience community and connection, particularly with your peers. Sometimes the church seems like it’s only for seniors or families but we know we have lots of young adults – who are single and newly married who are also part of our community. For the past 18 months those in their 20’s and 30’s have been gathering together for a meal and fellowship once a month. We alternate between meeting for breakfast and meeting mid-week for a pot-luck dinner.
Over a meal we socialize together and also dig into some of the deeper questions of life. We tend to look at a passage of scripture together to discuss how that impacts our lives and the world today. It’s informal, supportive and fun. If you are looking to connect with other young people in the church please come out and join us or speak to Mother Jennifer for more details.
May 5: we give thanks for the faithfulness and commitment of the “Senior Phone Chain” ministry leader. We ask God’s continued blessing for: (Lee Cassidy). The Senior Phone Chain keeps in contact with about 8-10 parishioners who are not able to attend church in person. We discuss daily issues and read the Day by Day and Our Daily Bread booklets, which are delivered to each person. We have wonderful conversations and some of us have become close friends and are happy to have that close contact. It makes them feel connected and important to the church family and to each other.
April 28: we give thanks for All Saints “Vestry Clerk”, for her faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing for Kelly Reeves. The Vestry Clerk is responsible for recording the activities of our congregation at each Vestry meeting. These meetings address the annual business activities at All Saints and include reviewing the annual budget and financial statements, reviewing reports of all law ministries and the appointment or election of members of the church community to various positions. This is not a team position but if others are interested in trying this role, please connect with Kelly Reeves and she would happily share the details of this position.
April 21: we give thanks for the members of the “Photo Directory Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: Isabelle Beaudet, Marilyn Csihas, Marilou Camelford.
The Parish Photo Directory Team contacted all members of All Saints to arrange sitting appointments, finding many opportunities to chat with parishioners along the way. Many others contributed of their time and talents to the process. Mark de Sousa designed the beautiful, colourful cover. Mark also assisted in photo selection, and offered his technical expertise. Others contributed their photos, some of which were chosen for the directory. We could not have completed the process without the help, suggestions, and cooperation of so many. A photo directory is definitely a community building project.
April 14: we give thanks for the coordinator of “Screening in Faith”, for his faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on: (Tim Ralph).
Screening in Faith is a policy of the Diocese, launched in 2003, to help parishes make sure their places of ministry are safe and healthy, especially for vulnerable children and adults who come to them in trust. The All Saints Screening in Faith Ministry tracks the completion of all required Criminal Reference Checks and provides online and in-person training for all parishioners whose Ministry Roles require it.
April 7: we give thanks for the members of All Saints “Evangelism Group”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Father Geoff, Mother Jennifer, John and Sara Houghton, Deacon Joanne, Annis Kirton, Karen Carter).
The group meets quarterly throughout the year but more often if necessary. We aim to look ahead in the church calendar and plan events which are already established or new events which we think will attract newcomers.
We meet on Wednesday evenings in the Board Room and would welcome new members and, if not members, then suggestions for new outreach events! We are dedicated to our task and always have great fun when we meet.
March 24: we give thanks for the members of All Saints’ “Youth Group“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Shane Schick, Blake Shriever, Cameron Devoe, Christian Howells, Jenny Johnson, Evelyn Leischman, Tristan Lund, Vienna McWilliams, Catherine Reeves, AJ Schick, Nolan Schick).
The Gospel stories may skip over much of the time between his birth and adult life, but even Jesus was a teenager once. He knew what it was like to have outgrown childish things but not yet be fully grown. It’s a period where you need guidance and support to become who you’re truly meant to be. That’s what we try to provide in our Youth Group, which has been meeting on a monthly basis for about two years since it began on Zoom during the pandemic.
We spend a lot of our time talking, and eating, just like Jesus and his disciples did. We also deepen our faith by reading Gospels and bringing some of its themes to life through games and activities that get everyone moving. We aren’t afraid to act silly occasionally. We laugh — a lot. And of course we pray, and try to remind our teens that even in a world when they might occasionally feel alone, God is there listening and working through them. We’re always open to new members aged 12 or older, and we’re excited to continue integrating our teens with other ministries and the parish community as a whole. For more information, talk to Shane or Blake at any time.
March 17: we give thanks for the members of the “Truth and Reconciliation Ministry”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Cheryl Marek, Kirstyn Allam, Karen Davies, Gail Holland, Mother Jennifer, Keith Wagar, Deacon Joanne). The All Saints’ Truth and Reconciliation Team, composed of 7 parishioners plus a couple non-parishioners quite knowledgeable and important to our efforts, meets 7-8 times a year, usually Wednesday afternoon. This ministry focuses on learning so we can be in right and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous Peoples both locally and nationally on whose ancestral land we live, work, play, worship and love. We seek the leading of the Holy Spirit. The old is gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. …And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:17b-18, 19b We recommend materials to the parish and promote significant commemorative events throughout the year such as during Indigenous History Month, Treaty Week, and on Orange Shirt Day a.k.a. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. As well, there are Powwows, Indigenous-led conferences, opportunities to visit Williams Treaties First Nation sites. We liaise with Indigenous Anglicans in order to get to know each other, to learn, to incorporate Indigenous liturgy in parish worship, to grow as disciples of Christ and to inform the parish of ways to support Indigenous Anglicans. and impact/indigenous-programs We pray that our efforts together, with humility, courage and love “transform unjust structures of society (and the church), challenge violence of every kind (unconscious bias, assumptions, …) and pursue peace and reconciliation.” Anglican Church of Canada Fourth Mark of Mission. You are welcome to share your thoughts and experiences and/or to join us.
February 25: we give thanks for the members of All Saints “Sunday School Ministry”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: Kelly Reeves, Syama Prasad, Anoop James, Lewise O’Boyle, Joanne Warman, Jennifer Schick, Shane Schick, Stephanie Chavez, Ashley MacGregor, Sharon Ngaru, David Ngaru, Jeff Schrader. The Sunday School team is a small but mighty team of a dozen volunteers. Our junior class provides lectionary based lessons which include animated videos and crafts to keep our youngest members engaged. In addition, a new senior class provides youth between Grades 3 and 7 a chance to delve deeper into key lessons and grow in faith. We are always looking for volunteers to join this ministry. Please reach out to Kelly Reeves or Syama Prasad if you are interested in joining this team.
February 18: we give thanks for the Opportunity to participate in the Diocesan “Faithworks Ministry”. The Faithworks ministry is a Diocese of Toronto program supporting various areas including; the homeless and ex-prisoners, indigenous people, refugees and migrant workers. In 2023 we learned about Durham Migrant Worker Ministry (DMWM) led by the Rev. Augusto Nunez from St. Saviours, Orono, deals exclusively with helping migrant workers with their religious, clothing and health needs
February 11, 2024: we give thanks for the members of our “Community Garden Committee“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Isabelle Beaudet, Janet Finlay, Heather Haughton, Sheila Robson, Jacky Bramma, Gary Gannon, Phyllis Pharo and Steve Kirton).
The Community Garden provides fresh produce to our Deacon’s Cupboard Clients. Fifteen dedicated workers volunteered, every other week from June to September, to water or harvest the planted garden in 2023. This was: Isabelle Beaudet, Janet Finlay, Richard Hardacre, Karen Liedeman, Carol Hylton, Millie Thomas, Jennifer Dewar, Joanne Warman, Susan Sleith, Judith Rice, Sharon Ngaru, Jan Schweter, Nicole Guay, Anoop James, and Carlton Taylor. Substitutes included Janet Duke, Jacky Bramma, Sheila Robson, Gord & Dawn Howells, Sara & John Houghton, Phyllis Pharo, Cameron Devoe, Jeffery Ozclins, Marilyn Csihas and Mother Jennifer. Many additional volunteers were involved in the spring to prepare the garden beds, repair raised boxes, weed and plant seeds or plants and fertilize to ensure the success of our garden. John Beaudet provided lunch for our Dirty Saturday work party. Another group came in the fall to put the garden to bed for the winter.
To sustain this vital ministry, we are hopeful to encourage parish volunteers to come forward and offer their time or that of grandchildren or garden friends. The Garden Committee will be available to talk about this ministry, for 2024, and sign-up volunteers, between services, on Sunday, April 21/24. Follow the carrots!!
February 4 2024: we give thanks for the members of our “Flower Convenor Group“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Elizabeth Sensicle, Jennifer Dewar). The Flower Convenor is responsible for ensuring flowers are available each Sunday for the Chancel and the donors listed. We also look after extra flower arrangements as required for Easter and Christmas.
January 28: we give thanks for the members of the “Book Club“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Shauna Van Hoof, Jodie Ristow, Sheila Robson, Isabelle Beaudet, Jacky Bramma, Debbie McQuoid, Josie Newman, Debbie Gannon, Maud McCarty, Susan Bond, Judith Lesniak, Marilyn Csihas).
The Book Club meets every two months, providing opportunities for fellowship and for sharing our thoughts, ideas and opinions about fictional characters and current and past issues. We engage participants in lively discussion about books borrowed from Whitby Public Library. This is a time for socializing and applying our faith to the fictional relationships or themes found in the material. We will be reading fiction and a couple of nonfiction books. We encourage new members to join us in socializing, sharing life experiences, and learning to examine differences between the way of the world and the Christian way.
January 21: we give thanks for the members of our “Card Ministry”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Linda Finigan). The card ministry sends cards out on known birthdays and also sends Valentines, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas greetings. We also send Get Well and Sympathy cards and cards of encouragement. The people enjoy being remembered and those who are ill are encouraged by our prayers.
January 14: we give thanks for the members of our “Opening and Uplifting (Accessibility) Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Arleane Ralph, Neil Liedeman, Deirdre Small, Tim Ralph, Mthr Jennifer, Mark De Sousa, and Jasper Hyslop).The Opening and Uplifting Accessibility Committee is undertaking a multi-year, phased project to improve accessibility into and through the church facilities and to empower everyone, regardless of age, health or ability, to engage with dignity in parish and community activities (hence, “opening & uplifting”). The committee formed in 2022 but the need for an elevator and the discussion about installing an elevator has been going on for decades. The team consists of seven determined individuals who strongly believe it is possible and imperative to get this done now. The primary goal would be to install an elevator in the parish office wing in the existing elevator shaft, and to complement this with other capital upgrades (ramps, automated doors, accessible washroom, etc) to make the office wing and parish seamlessly and fully accessible. The committee is at the research and fundraising stage. It has met with numerous contractors to acquire estimates; consulted with the Synod Office, local politicians and community partners; and has made three government grant applications (none of which have been successful). The committee has a Vestry mandate to get this work done, if funding is acquired. It has also committed through Vestry not to fundraise within the congregation and not to run a parish-wide capital campaign. We are always delighted to talk about what it would take to install a lift and how we can get there, and are grateful to anyone who voluntarily makes a financial contribution to support this effort. If you would like more information, please speak to Arleane Ralph or Mthr Jennifer.
December 17: we give thanks for the members of the “Wednesday Open Church Team“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Deacon Gary Gannon, Isabelle and John Beaudet, Greg Carter, Lee Cassidy, Waneta Dennis, Phyllis Pharo, Pauline Reid, Allan Robinson, Mary Sano, Eleanor Stevenson, Lynda Town, Shauna van Hoof).
The Church Open program is a mid-week opportunity on Wednesdays between 12 – 1 PM for those seeking a time of peace, quiet or reflection in our church worship space. Our two ministry team members welcome all who wish to visit our church, ask questions about All Saints’ worship services, church programming or our history. We offer everyone an opportunity to enjoy a tranquil oasis in a quiet and beautiful historic building for a short period of time out of their busy week.
December 10: we give thanks for the members of All Saints’ Rainbow Ministry Pride Alliance Team, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: Jeff Schrader, Mother Jennifer Schick, Adriaan Bakker, Isabelle Beaudet, Karen Jagne, Sheila Robson, Carol Hylton.
This is a new Ministry at All Saints’ Anglican Church. Our mission is that of Outreach to the Pride communities in the surrounding area and to bring to the congregation issues and concerns that affect the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
We had a very successful Panel Discussion held in the church hall on October 29, 2023 on being an affirming congregation, with guest speakers from our own congregation, Westminster United Church in Whitby and PFLAG.
We meet once per month or on an as needed basis; the meetings are usually an hour in length.
We are always looking for new members to help support this Ministry. For additional information or would like to join this Ministry, please contact Jeff Schrader,
December 3: we give thanks for the members of the ” Deacon’s Cupboard Team“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Deacon Gary Gannon, Chris Beldan, Isabel Beaudet, Jacky Bramma, Marilou Camelford, Greg Carter, Patty Clift, Marilyn Csihas, Jennifer Dewar, Linda Finigan, Jim Finlay, Barry Fleet, Eve Harries, Peggy and George Hewson, Carol Hylton, Nora Jay, Annis Kirton, Neil and Karen Liedeman, Amanda Marsh, Sue Mace, Sheila O’Neill, Phyllis Pharo, Carol Reesor, Martin and Pauline Reid, Allan and Kath Robinson, David Roney, Blanche Saarinen, Karen Sherrah, Susan Sleith, Penney Stevens, Millicent Wright). The Deacon’s Cupboard Food Bank is an outreach ministry based on the Gospel of Matthew 25:35 and weekly provides a choice of non-perishable food, dairy and hygiene items to those in need in the community. Our ministry team members provide a welcoming and respectful environment, timely service and a generous and caring spirit to all who come to us.
November 26: we give thanks for the members of the “Christmas Hampers Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Karen Liedeman, Lee Carter, Sandy Clarke, Lee Cassidy, Marilou Camelford, Janet Duke, Lee Elliott, Eve Harries, Marlene Hickey, Dawn Howells, Carol Hylton, Kathleen Perkin, Shona Sadler, Goldie Sutherland, Susan Sleith). The Christmas Hamper Ministry provides additional financial assistance to individuals and families in need during the holiday season. Invitations to apply for a Christmas Hamper are distributed by the Region of Durham Social Services Department to qualified Whitby Ontario Works (social assistance) clients. Applications received are shared between All Saints and our partner churches. In addition to retail and grocery gift cards, All Saints also invites clients to enjoy a Christmas Marketplace which is stocked with a variety of donated, Christmas related items such as paper, small gifts and decorations as well as toiletry items, school supplies, knitted items and more.
November 19: This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Stewardship Education Committee”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Jim Finlay, Mother Jennifer, Greg Carter, Joyce Ibbott-Belvin, Neil Liedeman, Jody Ristow, Sheila Robson and Goldie Sutherland). Stewardship education is an important aspect of healthy parish ministry. The generous giving of our time, talent and treasure ensures that our parish has the resources to be vibrant, attractional and outreaching. Our stewardship is a part of how we live out our discipleship – essentially our call to be fully-committed followers of Jesus Christ. As stewards we commit to a life of generosity in all aspects of our lives. But how do we do that? Or more importantly, where do we learn to do that?
The role of the Stewardship Education Committee (SEC) is to educate and guide parishioners to practice good stewardship. The committee for the most part follows the Growing Healthy Stewards Program developed by the Diocese of Toronto. It is a proven year-round stewardship education program that does not leave personal stewardship to chance. Its programs have been widely tried, tested and refined by parishes in the diocese of Toronto; and the outcomes are measurable. The SEC is supported by many parishioners who volunteer as Route Captains during the annual Joyful Giving Program / Parish Relay in the Fall.
November 12: This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Sunday Hospitality Team“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Shauna van Hoof, Nancy Brickwood, Jackie Brooks, Karen Carter, Nicole Iceton, Chantelle Iceton, Anoop James, Syama James, Karen Liedeman, Kelly Reeves Shane Schick, Emily Grace Schick, Millie Thomas).
The group was formed to provide a welcoming space and refreshment for fellowship with parishioners, guests and newcomers. We are a friendly group of volunteers who prepare and serve coffee, tea and sweets after the 9:30 service during the regular church season. In the summer months, we provide lemonade, iced tea and cookies in the church hall after the 10:00 o’clock service. Some of us like to bring home baked goodies. We generally leave some tea, coffee and a plate of cookies for after the 11:00 o’clock service. We would love to have new volunteers for the 11:00 o’clock service. It would be great to see more newcomers join.
November 5: This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Bazaar Committee“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Adriaan Bakker, Sandy Butler, Phyllis Pharo, Isabelle Beaudet, Tim Ralph, Marlene Hickey, Eve Harries, Janet Finlay, Marion Hunter, Karen Carter, Jeff Schrader, Paula Robinson, Joyce Ibbott-Belvin, Janet Duke, Marilyn Csihas, Linda Finigan, Kelly Reeves, and Lee Elliott). The Bazaar committee is the planning group for All Saints’ biggest annual fundraiser (apart from Joyful Giving). We are responsible to ensure that the bazaar runs smoothly. When they receive donations they clean them, sort them, price them and display them for the sale. The committee along with a host of other volunteers help with setup and taking care of the tables on the day of the sale.
October 29: This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Men’s Group“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (George Csihas, Adriaan Bakker, Stewart Ball, Ray Bankes, Elvin Bartley, John Beaudet, Glen Camelford, Jamie Carr, Rob Collins, Charlie Cyr, Michael Derry, Iain Dewar, Mark de Sousa, Jim Finlay, Ford Frame, Brian Finigan, Gary Gannon, David Harries, John Houghton, Anoop James, Graham Lennard, Neil Liedeman, Rev. Geoff Lloyd, Al Nowitski, Tim Ralph, John Reeves, Eric Schmidt, Jeff Schrader, Shane Schick and Jay Shaw). The group was formed to get together to enjoy Saturday morning fellowship. These communal breakfasts include discussions of interest, guest speakers and we have had several presentations on various topics. After several meetings during one of our discussions, we started wondering what we wanted to accomplish together. Knowing at that time that another cold Canadian winter was around the corner, we wanted to help the less fortunate members of our community and christened the program “Staying Warm Together”. From this simple beginning, this outreach program grew very quickly and we now collect used and new items of clothing and personal item needs for men, women and children. We also give out clothing items to some of our food bank clients as needed. We help different groups in the church such as the Bazaar, plant and book sale, church BBQ’s with set up, assist on project days with clean up.
We meet about 8-9 times a year taking breaks in summer and one break over winter. We have 32 active members in our group and always delighted to have additional members join our group. For more information, please see George Csihas.
October 22: This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Social Media and Website Team” for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Arleane Ralph, Karen Carter). The All Saints’ Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram accounts are maintained by Karen Carter and Arleane Ralph, who routinely post special services, parish events and activities, and feel-good stories and images of church life. The webpage ( is the digital window into the parish. Sunday liturgies are published each Saturday, and ‘Thought & Prayer of the Day’ articles are published on Thursdays. Changes are continuously made to keep up with new information about parish events & resources and global prayer needs. Management of the parish social media and website is guided by the words of St Theresa d’Avila: “Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours” and this applies to Christ’s presence on the digital landscape. (St. Theresa didn’t say that last part.) Karen and Arleane welcome pictures and information that can be adapted to social media posts. Feel free to email what you have, especially pictures. There’s so much going on at All Saints that reflects the parish’s involvement in the community and witnesses to the relevance of the church in the modern world. It would be great to have your contributions, or the help of someone who is familiar and comfortable with socials and/or WordPress who could shift off Arleane and Karen on occasion. It’s a ministry that is always grateful to welcome new members, please reach out if interested.
October 15: This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Chalice Bearers Team“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Marian Stephens, Isabelle Beaudet, Jacky Bramma, Marilou Camelford, Greg Carter, George Csihas, Marilyn Csihas, Karen Liedeman, Winifred Scipio-Spencer, Eleanor Stevenson, Carlton Taylor).
Chalice Bearers have a Holy responsibility in service to the Lord. They assist the Celebrant with the serving of the consecrated wine during Holy Eucharist services with the exception of the 8:00 a.m. service. They serve the wine to each participant. In lieu of receiving wine, a participant may cross their arms in front to receive a blessing. To quote from a Christian based source……” It is a great honour to be A Chalice Bearer as one becomes part of the central aspect of The Anglican Worship Holy Communion, respectively giving the Cup of Salvation to the members of the Body of Christ.” We would be delighted to welcome new members to our team. If you are interested, please contact Mother Jennifer.
October 8: This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Funeral Hospitality Team“, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Patty Clift, Susan Sleith, Isabelle Beaudet, Marilou Camelford, Jennifer Dewar, Janet Duke, Janet Finlay, Marlene Hickey, Kim Ludquist, Paula Robinson, Marian Stephens, Eleanor Stevenson, Millie Thomas).
The name of this ministry tells it all! We are a dedicated and caring team. Post-funeral service, a food and fellowship reception can be requested and offered by our hospitality ministry. Each of these receptions held in the parish hall are unique, as we cater and care for the needs of the families. Key to our success is communication with all players. On the day of the reception we are responsible for the coordination, setup, serving and cleanup. This ministry also gets great support from parishioners with delicious donations of cookies and squares for the reception sweet trays.
It’s a ministry that is always grateful to welcome new members, please reach out if interested.
October 1: 18th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 21: 23 -32
Jesus speaks about John the Baptist to those who “have it made.” They didn’t listen to John’s message which advocated for justice. However, says Jesus, the tax collectors and prostitutes did. And they (as we all know) didn’t “have it made.” Are there connections between stewardship and justice? You be the judge.
This morning we give thanks for the members of the “Choir”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Adriaan Bakker, Julia Goss, Amanda Marsh, Dianne Lloyd, Sheila Robson, Pauline Reid, Joyce Salkey, Phyllis Pharo, Karen Jagne, Jody Ristow, Steve Kirton, Jim Finlay, David Marsh, John Houghton, Jeff Schrader, Tom Willis).
The Choir has about 18 members who share God’s message through music. We meet from September to June: weekly on Thursday’s from 7:30-9:30 and again on Sunday’s to provide the music for the 11:00 services. We are challenged to present good quality music and text to the best of our ability. We have a wide range of vocal abilities and are always on the lookout for new members in all voice sections.
September 24: 17th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 20: 1-6
“I’ll pay you whatever is fair,” says the owner of the vineyard to those he hires. However, by the end of the day, the payment hardly seems fair to those who have worked under the hot sun all day long. God’s generosity knows no bounds. How many times do you think to yourself: “God’s not being fair to me?” Think again!
This morning we give thanks for our Intercessors for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: Deacon Joanne Warman, Gail Holland, Arleane Ralph, Jacky Bramma, Marilyn Csihas, Jamie and Christine Carr, Ford Frame, Shane Schick and Nolan Schick.
The greatest prayers are those that are prayed in the silence of our hearts. Every Sunday we collectively lift up prayers during the prayers of the people. Intercessors lead the prayers at the 9:30 and 11:00 am services. I ask that you would prayfully consider joining this team. Training and a template for the day are provided. I would be happy to discuss this ministry with anybody who feels called to it. From Deacon Joanne Warman.
September 17: 16th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 18: 21-35
Who says stewardship is only about money? This story clearly tells us that stewardship and forgiveness are interwoven. Jesus reminds us that the faithful steward is the one who cares so much for others that they are able to forgive – even when they might feel they are owed much!
This morning we give thanks for the members of the “St Margaret’s Guild”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Janet Duke, Isabelle Beaudet, Amber Bryce,Irma Carson, Karen Carter, Patty Clift, Marilyn Csihas, Lesley Dath, Janet Finlay, Maxine Fitzgerald, Diane Gaunt, Marion Hunter, Joyce Ibbott-Belvin, Jane Lawrence, Karen Liedeman, Lesley Nightingale, Paula Robinson, Susan Sleith, Penney Stevens, Eleanor Stevenson, Shauna Van Hoof, Penelope Williams, Millicent Wright).
ST MARGARET’S GUILD is a group of dedicated women who meet regularly for fun and fellowship. Together they support each other, our church community and beyond with social activities and fundraising events. That is their mission statement.
Activities include social get-togethers like a pot luck supper, theater, coffee time, wine and cheese and maybe a craft evening. The fundraising focus is typically on the Plant, Bake and Book sale, the making of preserves for the Bazaar and of course working on Bazaar day wherever needed – the preserves table, kitchen for the take out soup lunch, classic treasures and Christmas Shop. Whatever Guild members are doing, they do it with a joyful heart and comforting fellowship.
September 10: 15th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 18: 15-20
Some people say that they can’t see or find Jesus anywhere in their lives. In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us that he will be found wherever two or three are gathered together in his name. It sounds like Jesus likes to be among company. How often do you gather with others “in his name?
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Greeters Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Waneta Dennis, Jackie Brooks, Allan Robinson, Shane Schick & Emily Grace Schick, Millicent Wright, Karen & Neil Liedeman, Isabelle & John Beaudet, Marion Stephens, Lesley Nightingale, Janet Duke, Shauna van Hoof, Debi McQuoid, Al Nowitski, Maurice & Joan Fraser, June Barlow, Susan Sleith, Greg Carter and Eleanor Stevenson).
The Greeters Team is made currently made up of 22 dedicated members who arrive at church approximately a half hour before the service starts. They greet the parishioners when they arrive and provide them with a bulletin for the service. They try to recognize new people and answer any questions they may have. As part of their duties they give the count of numbers in attendance to one of the servers, this is provided by Rob. Another duty is to deliver the collection plates to the server at the front of the church by the end of the offertory hymn and to assist with ushering for the Eucharist/communion at the 11:00 am service or 10:00 am during summer hours. They tidy up after each service (pick up bulletins etc. left in the pews and return books to the pew backs). Any questions that a greeter can’t answer should be directed to Rev. Jennifer Schick or one of the Wardens.
We are always looking to add members to the team. If you would like to be a Greeter please speak to Waneta Dennis or Jennifer Schick.
September 3: 14th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 16: 21-28
“You aren’t thinking in God’s terms, but in human terms,” says Jesus to Peter. The faithful steward is one who seeks to discern God’s “terms” and allows these to guide their thoughts and actions – minute by minute and day by day.
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Digital Vergers – AV Ministry”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Tim Ralph, Karen Carter, Neil Liedeman, Arleane Ralph, Jody Ristow, Nolan Schick and Jeff Schrader).
The Digital Verger Audio-Visual Ministry is comprised of a committed group of eight volunteers who provide online broadcast and connection to those parishioners who are unable to attend our worship services in-person. Digital Vergers control the audio and work the camera up in the balcony and behind the scenes, each week, connecting our in-person parishioners to between 30 and 40 individuals in their homes. Digital Vergers also provide digital connections for special worship services, vestry meetings, funerals and weddings.
New members to our team are always welcome. If you enjoy technology and have a creative flair, we will provide on-the-job training and work with you at your side until you are ready to take the reins to host a service on your own. Please contact Tim Ralph if you’d like more information.
August 27: Stewardship Reflection for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 16: 13-20
Peter responds to the question of Jesus with what some might call an inspired answer. Jesus is God’s anointed – God’s chosen one. If someone was to ask you, as a follower of Jesus, and (hopefully) as a faithful steward, who or what would you say Jesus is?
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Chancel Guild”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Pauline Reid, June Barlow, Isabelle Beaudet, Sandy Butler-Saunders, Mari-Lou Camelford, Rita Cane, Irma Carson, Sandy Clarke, Marilyn Csihas, Beryl Cyr, Jennifer Dewar, Lee Elliott, Debbie Gannon, Eve Harries, Anoop James, Edrie Kingston, Dianne Lloyd, Lesley Nightingale, Brenda Peel, Syama Prasad, Sheila Robson, Mary Sano, Elizabeth Sensicle, Susan St. Laurent, Penney Stevens, Eleanor Stevenson, Lynda Town.
The work of the Chancel Guild is conducted behind the scenes and the role of the members is to support the clergy and congregation in worship. More specifically, they prepare the sanctuary for Sunday services by ensuring the correct linens, vessels and communion elements are in the appropriate place. The flowers are ordered and arranged, and the readings placed in the binder. Subsequent to the service everything is cleared away and the chancel returned to its non-worship state. Additional duties are undertaken for weddings, funerals and other special services and Chancel Guild members decorate the church for Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.
Members work in teams and each team is responsible for one week a month. Currently we have 27 dedicated members who work diligently and reverently in support of our worship team. Each team is led by a Captain and the President coordinates the activities and liaises with the clergy and the worship committee. We are a warm and caring group and would be very happy to welcome new members. To God be the glory
August 20: Stewardship Reflection for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28 “Your trust is enormous,” says Jesus to this Canaanite woman. A faithful steward is one who is able to show enormous trust in Jesus. If you were asked about your level of trust in Jesus, just how would you respond?
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Servers Guild”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Debbie Brewer, Patti Clift, Eleanor Stevenson, Winifred Scipio-Spencer, Mark de Sousa, George Csihas, A.J. Schick, Emily Grace Schick, Brian Finigan, Millicent Wright, Joyce Ibbott-Belvin).
Serving is a ministry that forms part of an act of worship. Under the general direction of the clergy, the Server undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, ensuring all books, elements and other components required to celebrate the Eucharist or fulfil the worship liturgy are in place and in order.
Servers at All Saints form part of a team of three during the service at 11:00 a.m., no servers at 9:30 a.m., and one server at 8:00 a.m. The team consists of the Crucifer, who carries the Cross, the Communion Acolyte, a torch bearer, who helps to set the alter for communion, and the Gospel Acolyte, torch bearer, who presents the collection. The bells heard during the liturgy for communion are also rung by the Communion Acolyte. Special services will sometimes add another Server for a special purpose. Serving is a special ministry, and a privilege to be a part of. Training is provided for this very supportive and friendly group. We are always delighted to have additional members join our team.
August 13: Stewardship Reflection for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 14: 22-33
Does your life ever feel like it is being pounded and tossed around? Do you feel like you’re sinking, with no way of being rescued? Sometimes, it does get that bad, doesn’t it? The faithful steward knows not only when to ask for help but, more importantly, who to ask.
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Readers Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Gail Holland, Arleane Ralph, Joyce Ibbot-Belvin, Dianne Lloyd, Marilyn Csihas, Eleanor Stevenson, Pauline Reid, Greg Carter, Richard Hardacre, Iain Dewar, Tom Willis).
There are two designated readers at the 11 a.m. services and each reader is assigned to read either the Old Testament or the Epistle on “their” Sundays from September to June. During the summer months, there is just one reader required.
On the Fridays before they are scheduled to read, the readers receive references for the Sunday readings by e-mail from our church secretary. This gives them time to practice their reading and check for any difficult or unfamiliar words. The preacher for the day bases their homily on the readings so it is very important that the scriptures are read clearly and with meaning to familiarize the parishioners with the basis for the message.
Our present readers are doing a wonderful job but new readers are always welcome too. If you are interested, please contact Gail Holland or Mthr. Jennifer.
August 6: Stewardship Reflection for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 14: 13-21
The familiar story of the loaves and fishes, seen through the eyes of a steward, serves as a reminder that from seemingly small and insignificant beginnings, great things can happen. Why, there are even leftovers! Do you see God’s abundant generosity in your world?
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Biblical Story Tellers Team” for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Jacky Bramma, Eleanor Stevenson, Richard Hardacre, Deacon Joanne Warman, Arleane Ralph, Shane Schick, Nolan Schick, Rev Geoff Lloyd).
This group was on hiatus during the pandemic, and has recently become active again. Our mission is to bring scripture to life by telling it in a dramatic way. The words are not printed in the bulletin, so that the congregation is fully engaged with the storytellers. This year there was a dramatic presentation of the Passion of our Lord on Palm Sunday, and the story from Acts was presented on Pentecost Sunday.
July 30: Stewardship Reflection for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52 This week we give thanks for the members of our “Pastoral Visitation Teams” and for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Deacon Joanne, Jeff S., Waneta D., Brian and Linda F., Phyllis P., June B., and Gail H., Eve H., Marlene H., Lee C. and Ian and Jennifer D.). The pandemic made visiting impossible and All Saints is now working on getting this team up and running again. Visiting is done in teams of 2 and usually visits are on a monthly basis. We bring communion to those who are unable to attend church in person. Training is provided. Our team meets 3-4 times a year but leaders are always available if you have questions or concerns. This ministry is not just about visiting. It is an acknowledgement, in various ways, of the importance to All Saints of every single person. Included in this ministry is the Card Ministry headed by Linda F. and the Prayer Shawl Ministry headed up by Eve H. and Marlene H. Donations of cards and wool would be greatly appreciated. If you are a knitter or a crocheter, Eve & Marlene would welcome the chance to let you know how you can share this talent with those of our Parish who would welcome a prayer shawl or blanket. Many of the cards that Linda sends out are handmade so if you are crafty and enjoy making cards, this is a place you can use this skill.
The Telephone ministry is another area of visitation and I want to thank Lee C. and Ian and Jennifer D. for their work in this area. Our list of members who need to be visited is growing, please consider joining the team.
July 23: Stewardship Reflection for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
How do you help “good seed” to not only take root, but to grow, and keep on growing in your life? Jesus suggests that the faithful steward is the one who listens to his words and allows them to guide all of his/her life.
This morning we give thanks for the members of our “Christian Education Team”, for their faithfulness and commitment. We ask God’s continued blessing on each member: (Jacky Bramma, Mother Jennifer, Arleane Ralph, Deacon Joanne, Cheryl Marek and Anne McGillivray).
The Christian Education Group meets four or five times a year to plan learning opportunities for our parish family. We seek to find, plan and lead courses and learning opportunities for a wide range of interests and topics both online and in-person.
In the past we have offered traditional Bible studies – such as the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus, studies on prayer, Religious Art appreciation, family-friendly movie nights, Indigenous studies such as “Mapping the Ground We Stand On” and “Stolen Lands-Strong Hearts”. We also led the global prayer initiative “Thy Kingdom Come” providing resources for our members.
We encourage everyone to join our offerings to grow deeper in your faith. If you have specific areas you wish to learn about, or would like to help shape the parish’s Christian Ed endeavors please speak to one of our members.
July 15: Stewardship Reflection for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Ever stopped to ask yourself just what kind of soil the word finds in you? Know how to find out? It’s very simple, really. Just take a look at your life – how much and what kind of “fruit” do you see being produced regularly?
July 8: A Message from the Stewardship Committee Chair:
Stewardship education is an important aspect of healthy parish ministry. The generous giving of our time, talent and treasure ensures that parishes have the resources to be vibrant, attractional, and missional. Our stewardship is a part of how we live out our discipleship – essentially our call to be fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. As stewards we commit to a life of generosity in all aspects of our lives. But how do we do that? Or more importantly, where do we learn to do that?
(From the “Growing Healthy Stewards – Covenant” document.)
Our understanding of stewardship as a way of life is based on scripture. The first chapter of Genesis tells us that God created all things and created us to be stewards of all creation. Being good stewards involves protecting our environment, as well as being concerned about the welfare of our fellow human beings. As Stewards we recognize that everything, we have is a gift from God. We are responsible to tend our gifts, to nurture them and to share their abundance with all.
Why a year-round stewardship education program at this time? Stewardship includes Time, Talent and Treasure. The program will work to develop all three of these resources. Treasure, however, does have the most measurable impact on parish life.
- The number of identified givers in the past six years has declined by 31%.
- The Annual Offertory peaked in 2018 and has declined 15% since then.
- The average annual giving per giver at All Saints’ remains about 15% below the Diocesan average.
- 66% of identified givers give below the average for All Saints’ and 34% give more than the average. Consider the implications of this!
These figures are encouraging as they suggest there is room for growth. However, we all know what inflation is doing to expenses and the Church is not immune. These numbers show clearly why we are struggling to maintain the All Saints’ we love. We look forward to sharing this excellent program with all of you and with God’s help fully expect to realize many more blessings for the future of All Saints’ Church.
Jim Finlay
Chair, All Saints’ Church Stewardship Education Committee