Welcome! Scroll through the notes below to see what’s happening this season in the way of fellowship and faith formation, and to learn about ways to be more involved in the mission of ministry of the church.
See UPCOMING SERVICES for regular Sunday services and special worship celebrations; see the PRAYER LIFE page for special prayers for world events and church seasons.
Learn about Weekly Bible Studies
Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, January 18, 2025 @ 9:00 AM
Breakfast in the Parish Hall. All are welcome! Please RSVP by January 15, 2025 to George Csihas at gcsihas@nullhotmail.com. Cost is $10 per person to cover the cost of the breakfast.
Transforming Questions Discussion Group – beginning January 21st, 6pm
Transforming Questions is a 10-week series offered on Tuesday evenings this winter. Each week we will gather for a meal, hear a talk on one of the central questions of the Christian faith, and then join in discussion. It is designed for those new to the faith and for those who are veteran Christians who still have questions or new concerns, or who just like to ponder the mysteries of Christian live. The series is open to all people; parishioners, neighbors, newcomers, and friends.
If you can’t make all ten nights, that’s okay. But Transforming Questions is not designed as a drop-in course. The sessions are related to and build upon one another, and the discussion is best with a sustained community. Ideally, we will travel together for ten weeks, sharing a meal and asking questions of ourselves and of God. As we do so, we will learn more about ourselves, one another, and the Jesus we seek to know. Register at https://TransformingQuestions.eventbrite.ca
Here are a few of the questions, we’ll be considering:
Can we question our faith?
Why did Jesus have to die?
How should we read the Bible?
Does God answer prayer?
Why is there suffering?
What happens after death?
What is the church for?
All Saints Book Club – Monday, January 27
Copies of the next book, Daisy Jones and the Six, by Taylor Jenkins Reid, are available for pick up from the church during office hours. Book Club will meet next on Monday, January 27, in the board room at 1:30 pm. New members always welcome. Contact Jacky Bramma.
Annual General Vestry Meeting (AGM) – Sunday February 23rd, 2025 following the 10 AM service.
All ministry leads are asked to submit their ministry reports to Sharon no later than Wednesday, January 29th for inclusion in the year end Vestry Report.
Please e-mail your report(s) to Sharon at office@nullallsaintswhitby.org Late reports will not be printed nor will there be any oral reports.
Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir – Saturday March 29th.
You saved the date! Now get the tickets! All proceeds raised from the concert will be donated to benefit the life of the church. Tickets are $30 each and are on sale now. You can buy them on a Sunday in the upper hall following the 9:30 and 11am services December 15 and 22 and into January while supplies last. You can also inquire with the office to get tickets, or find them in sale at Caldense Bakery.
Season of Spiritual Renewal – Winter Workshops Now Available
Registration is now open for the fall workshops for those wanting to grow and be renewed in their faith. Visit the Diocese of Toronto Season of Spiritual Renewal page for details and to register.
2025 Anglican Church Calendars – The calendars ($7.00 each) are in baskets with signs and available at both entrances to the church and from the church office. In the basket with the calendars are preprinted envelopes, please place the $7.00 in the envelope and place in the collection plate or in the mailbox outside the Admin Office Door.
Preview the calendar images here (Webmaster’s note: it’s gorgeous!)
All Saints has 40+ ministry groups for you to get involved with! Plus loads of events and committees where you can contribute your talents. There is a place for you! For example,
- Men’s Group meets the 3rd Saturday of every month in the parish hall.
- St. Margaret’s Guild (Women’s Group) meets Thursdays for fellowship and fundraising projects
- Choir rehearses every Thursday
- Parent and Tot Drop-In (stories, songs and fellowship) happens on the 4th Thursday of every month from 10-11:30am
- Youth Group (ages 12-17) meets the last Friday of every month at 7pm.
- Young Adult Ministry (20 and 30-somethings) meets once a month, alternating between Sat. breakfast and a mid-week potluck supper
- Rainbow Ministry Group is a 2SLGBTQ+ working group for education and social events
There’s also current volunteer opportunities with the Knitting Club, Chancel Guild (for Sunday set up and flower arranging); Digital Vergers (Sunday worship tech team), Deacon’s Cupboard Food Bank, and the Community Garden. Reach out to group leaders or contact one of All Saints clergy to learn more about ways to offer your time and talent.
Serving through Giving
All Saints relies on donations to accomplish its ministry work in the community. Please consider donating through Canada Helps or sending a request to become a pre-authorized giver. The church also has many special projects and ongoing campaigns to help encourage financial or material donations. Consider the following (click on underlined titles to learn more):
Reconciliation with our Indigenous Siblings
As a congregation we continue to educate ourselves on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the work to date towards reconciliation. See current event recommendations from All Saints TRC Committee.
As First Peoples have done since time immemorial, we strive to be responsible stewards of the land and to respect the cultures, ceremonies, and traditions of all who call it home. As we open our hearts and minds to the past, we commit ourselves to working in a spirit of truth and reconciliation to make a better future for all.
Water Project
Alongside our educational pursuits, All Saints has also committed to praying for and raising funds for The Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh (Big Beaver House) in Northern Ontario in partnership with PWRDF. In 2022 funds are being raised for a purchase of a new water truck in Kingfisher Lake. Kingfisher Lake has a population of 500 people on reserve, most of whom access water through tanks attached to their homes and a water delivery system from the treatment plant. Roads are rough, wear and tear on the vehicles is significant, repair parts are hard to come by, and the population is growing. A new water truck will significantly increase the reliability of clean, running water in this community. You can read more about this and donate by visiting https://pwrdf.org/WATER-PROJECT/
- The TRC Final Report (2015)
- 94 calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation report
- calls 71-76 about Missing children and burial information
- Anglican Church of Canada’s Reconciliation Toolkit
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- CBC’s 10 books about residential schools to read with kids
- “Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts” documentary
- “We Were Children” documentary
- “Indigenous Canada”, online course offered by the University of Alberta