All Saints is journeying on a two-year mission action plan (MAP) to strive and to lean more intentionally into parish strengths and growth areas.
- Sharing Who We Are
- Welcoming Others
- Serving Others
- Growing In Faith
These areas were identified by a parish-wide planning meeting in the spring of 2024. It was a wildly constructive meeting for generating ideas and discerning the will and direction of the church. See the infographic below that shows the four primary growth areas, broken out into 2-3 general focus objectives. The general focuses were further broken down into specific target action items (not shown here). As the fall programming year begins, we can look forward to updates on the progress that has been made so far and what area objectives will be priorities for year one of the MAP implementation.
If there are areas that intrigue you and/or you feel called to support the MAP, contact Mthr Jennifer. She can advise on specific targeted action items that All Saints needs your help to achieve.