Thoughts of the Day this month are part of a special series in Epiphanytide, the time between Epiphany Sunday and Lent, during which we hear gospel stories of the growing faith of the disciples and of the revelation that Jesus is truly the son of God.
To mark this time, members of our congregation share stories of their own faith journeys and Epiphany moments that have inspired them and drawn them deeper into faith.
Thought and Prayer for the Day
Allan Robinson
As I grew older, we drifted apart. Or, I should say I grew more independent on Me. By the time I was in my late teens, I had turned my back on him. I characterize it as falling down a well (the world). No water at the bottom, just darkness, and I loved it. I answered to no one, did what I wanted, when I wanted. But Jesus, did not turn his back on me. He constantly pulled at my inner feelings. Until finally, I started to climb out of the darkness. The wall were slimy and I slipped back down to where I wanted to be. I was happy.
But Jesus didn’t give up. I tried again. This time I made progress. Very slowly and very hard climbing. Never sure I was going in the right direction. As I climbed up the wall, my footholds became larger and they had names on them. MY MOM, Pastors Charles Price, Brett McBride (Peoples Church), Pastor Rick Baker, Kelvin Kaufeeldt (Calvary Baptist), Father Stephen, Father Geoff (All Saints) and my family.
It’s been a long climb. I am retired and a senior now, but still in the well. When I started my journey, the opening was small with only a single light shinning down. Now the opening is large and the sun is shining on me. I believe, that on my last day on this earth and with my last breath, I will look up and see Jesus, my best friend. He will have his arm extended into the well. I will reach up, take his hand and he will pull me out. And my journey will be over.
Lord God, thank You for relentlessly pursuing me. While I was running the opposite direction and resisting Your work in my life, You never gave up on me. Praise You!
– Rev. Brett McBride