Memorial Easter Flowers: If you wish to place a potted flower in the church as a memorial at Easter, please place your donation in the envelope provided by the greeters. Indicate the name(s) of the person(s) being remembered. Alternatively, you may bring your donation directly to Maria, in the church office. Donations need to be received by Sunday March 10th to ensure Easter delivery. Thank you in advance for your gifts.
On any given Sunday in the year, you can make a donation for fresh flowers in memory or thanksgiving of someone or something. The flowers will be used to decorate the chancel, and the loved one or the milestone occasion will be named in the prayers of the people and printed in the bulletin on the chosen Sunday.
If you would like more information or would like to schedule a flower donation, please call or email Elizabeth S. at (905) 668-6625 or
You can also make a memorial or thanksgiving donation in lieu of flowers on any occasion and designate the funds for an ongoing ministry or fund (e.g., accessibility fund, children’s ministry, Christmas hampers fund, pastoral care ministry, etc.). Such gifts from the heart will also be recognized in the prayers of the people and the service bulletin.
Please contact Maria by email ( no later than the Wednesday before the Sunday you wish any dedication to appear. In your message, please indicate the amount of your donation, your envelope number (if applicable), the name of the loved one being memorialized, and the name(s) of those making the donation.